FAQ Last update 3 months ago

What can I sell?

Be creative! You can offer any service you wish as long as it's legal and complies with our terms. If there are categories you'd like to see feel free to suggest them to us!

How much money can I make?

It's totally up to you. You can work as much as you want. Many service providers work on Giggl full time and some keep their 9-5 job while using Giggl to make extra money.

How much does it cost?

It's free to join Giggl. There is no subscription required or fees to list your services.

How much time will I need to invest?

It's very flexible. You need to put in some time and effort in the beginning to learn the marketplace and then you can decide for yourself what amount of work you want to do.

How do I price my service?

You can set your own pricing and offer your services to clients.

How do I get paid?

Once you complete a client's order, the money is transferred to your account. No need to chase clients for payments.